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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Begin at the Beginning (but with the end in mind)

Business intelligence, data warehouses, data stores, stewardship, governance... Where do we begin?

Let's begin by assuming that we want to have something we can recognize as "business intelligence" when we're done. The most important characteristics of business intelligence will be.
  • meaning (semantic) understood
  • applicability (use/utility) understood
  • currency (timeliness) understood
  • source/lineage/pedigree understood

There may be other characteristics that are of specific interest to a business customer, but these will put us squarely in the middle of the ballpark.

Before we go any farther, this is going to take more than one post so let's think in terms of a series of posts addressed to specific roles that, together, create the governance road map.

If business intelligence is the goal, then we must begin with the business and we'll start right at the top with the CEO. Of all those involved in the business, the CEO has the greatest power to influence, for better or for worse, the attitudes and motivations that will eventually produce business intelligence. Others in leadership roles will have similar effects to lesser degrees.

Mr., Mrs. or Ms CEO, begin by absorbing the four characteristics above. Ask yourself what it would take for you to feel good about the intelligence presented to you. Once you feel comfortable about your ownership interest, you will need to become single-minded in your pursuit of these characteristics.

Practice asking for proof, for information about the intelligence (which will be known as meta data by some of your staff) and insisting on answers that give you comfort. You may view this as self protection, which is a very good viewpoint to have. In fact, if you are consistent in this, you will find that Sarbanes-Oxley is a piece of cake for your business.

This is where it will start. The next post will address sources of the information that will eventually emerge as business intelligence.

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